Letter to Schools

Restore Family Nutrition
For the first time in history, the children we are raising have a shorter life expectancy than then generation before them. That is a staggering fact. It is no coincidence that with today’s busy lifestyles we also know less about nutrition than generations before us.
Restore Family Nutrition is a group of volunteers concerned with the current and future health of our community’s children and their families.
Our mission is to educate, not only children but also their families, about good nutritional choices. We are committed to re-introducing the art of home economics and teaching people how to shop, cook and eat with healthy eating in mind. We want to share information about valuable healthy eating resources that already exist within the region.  Most importantly, we aim to reverse the future of our children’s health crisis!
We need your help.
School is the greatest link between children and their homes. We believe we can make the greatest impact by working with schools to reach families about shopping healthy, cooking healthy, eating healthy and feeding their children healthy.
How can you help?
As you assemble your School-Parent council this year, we would like you to add a Nutrition Representative. This person would be a direct link between your school and the Restore Family Nutrition team. We have a lot of information to share, including; monthly newsletter articles for you to use, nutrition contests, education talks, cooking and home economic demonstrations and information about local resources. (Restore Family Nutrition is a volunteer action; there are no fees for events or participation)
 As educators you already see the benefits of good nutrition and the effects of poor nutrition in your classrooms every day. You understand that better nutrition is vital, not only to our society’s heath future but also to learning every day.
Thank you in advance for your leadership in encouraging your school community to get involved and work to Restore Family Nutrition.
Once you have selected your council Nutrition Representative, please have that person forward the following information via e-mail or by phone
·         Their name
·         Contact information including e-mail address
·         The name of your school and principal

If you have any questions about Restore Family Nutrition please feel free to contact us anytime.
For the Restore Family Nutrition team