Recently we received the following information from  Jane Dummer RD,

Jane Writes...

It has come to my attention that not all Benefit packages and Third party insurance groups offer coverage for RDs. (registered Dietitians) As the association continues to advocate, it has been suggested that if employees ask for RD coverage via their employer HR team (or union rep) that can be effective as well.

I’ve attached this downloadable link

This is worth a look, Perhaps your benefit package through work already covers consultations with a Registered Dietitian. If not perhaps it is something you would like your company to consider. 

Jane Dummer is a Registered Dietitian in the K-W area. You can connect with her through contact and website information below. Many thanks Jane for sharing this valuable information.

Jane Dummer, RD
Tel 519.896.4755 l cell 519.716.4755 l fax 519.894.5433 l  skype janedummer I


10 Tips to Packing a Learning Lunch…
·          Send easy to eat fruit; peel and/or slice before packing

·          Choose Whole grain breads, wraps & bagels

·          Ordering milk? Make it white milk and send a bowl of whole grain cereal with a spoon

·          Pack treats; low sugar homemade muffins and cookies are like sending a hug from home.

·          Dress up sandwiches with a serving of vegetables; lettuce, cucumber, sprouts and grated   carrots add crunch and flavour

·          Choose juice boxes that are 100% juice, not from concentrate or fruit blends

·          Eating the same thing every day, even if you love it, gets boring. Keep lunch pails interesting by switching up the menu

·          Easy to open = easy to eat. Choose containers that are easy to use and leak proof

·          Get kids to help pack their own lunches, kids are more likely to enjoy foods they choose themselves. It’s also a great way to talk about nutritional choices.

·          Be aware of the school allergy alerts. There are items beyond peanuts that can cause life threatening reactions.

  Get inspired to pack a healthy lunch every day.
 Great nutrition prepares kids for great learning!

More great tips....

  • pack fozen juice boxes and homebaked treats to help keep lunch box temperatures cool
  • leftovers make great lunch
  • Lunch doesn't have to be a sandwich; whole grain crackers, cheese, roasted meats, salad, pasta, hard boiled eggs are all great alternatives.
  • invest in a hot thermos for homemade soups, chili and stews.
  • special Lunch Days at school - pick the healthiest option, ask your school to provide healthy lunch event days.
  • Sending dried fruits like raisins and apricots are sweet snack alternatives.
  • Don't forget the water!