The following is included in our Letter to Schools this month...just in time for the busy days of December.
It can be very difficult to squeeze in proper nutrition during the rush of preparing for the holidays, all the extra time spent in the malls and in traffic, takes away for your time available for meal preparation. Here are 5 great tips to help you avoid the fast food trap.
Use your crockpot. These fabulous appliances free up your time. Cooking soups, stews and comfort foods while you are busy taking care of other things. Check on-line for great crockpot recipes.
Pack snacks. Nothing buys you a few extra minutes like having healthy snacks on board. Keep apples, oranges, granola bars and juice boxes packed in your car to satisfy hunger until you arrive home.
Eat first, shop later. Take the time to make eating a priority. You are more likely to eat more healthily if you set aside the time before errands. You will also have more patience for the crowds at the mall if you are not battling a hungry stomach as well.
Plan ahead. Double up dinner one day to have leftovers for the next. If you already have a healthy supper waiting that needs only a reheat, half the work is already done for you.
Choose wisely. No option but to dine out? Even fast food restaurants have more healthful options; salads, grilled meats, fruit options, milk and fruit juices. If you have to eat out eat healthy.
Do you have a great tip to add to our list? We would love to hear it, share a comment or send it via email!
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