Tuesday, 10 January 2012

New Year...New-Trition

Welcome to 2012!!!

January is a time when people make resolutions to improve their health and life style. Of course we all know that good intentions only carry us so far. To make real changes that stick you need a plan and some tools.

Here are 5 quick tips and tricks to healthy eating – little changes that make a BIG difference!

  • Only bring the good stuff home. Keeping your cupboards free of high fat and sugary snacks and your freezer free of ice cream means it is not there to choose from when that snack attack hits. Most people will chose from what they have on hand. Healthy food on Hand means healthy snacking.

  • Make easy substitutes. Instead of buttering your veggies try giving them a squirt of lemon juice and a sprinkle of pepper. Switch from 2% milk to 1% or skim milk. Switch from butter or vegetable oil for sauteed foods to olive oil. Trade white breads in for whole grain varieties. Switch a cup of coffee for a cup of tea each day or trade a glass of juice or soda for a glass of water.

  • Try something new. Choose a fruit or vegetable on grocery day that you've not tried before. Ask the produce clerk for advise on storing or preparing. Try a new recipe one Saturday each month.

  • Watch your portions. A serving of fruits or Vegetables is about the size of your fist. A portion of meat should fit the palm of your hand. 1 slice of bread is a serving. Pay attention when you are filling your plate for lunch or supper, do the portion sizes look good. When you go out to eat remember you don't have to finish your plate. It is very likely that the portions are 2 to 3 times what they should be – especially when it comes to french fries!

  • Don't drink your calories. Coffee house beverages, sodas, cocoa, energy drinks and alcoholic beverages might seem like free calories but consider that your morning Latte has upwards of 300 calories and that lunch time can of soda packs 135. Those 2 choices take 435 calories away from your nutrition (almost 1/3 of the daily requirement for adults)

Take it easy on yourself. Think of it like the snowball rolling down a hill; begin with little changes, as you get rolling the changes get easier and the improvements grow too! Share your tips with a friend, encourage one another to find new substitutes and tricks. Have fun!

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